잡다한 글들

Java에서 Native 컴포넌트 마음껏 쓰기 - DJ Native Swing

2008. 9. 1. 01:21

코드인카페에 적었다고 옮겨 온글. 나중에 필요할것 같아서 검색편하게 하려고. ㅋㅋ

검색을 하다가 우연찮게 발견했는데.
알아 두면 좋으실것 같아 남겨 둡니다.

일반적으로 Java에서는 Native쪽을 잘 못 가져다 쓰지요.
( 웹브라우져, 미디어 플레이어, 플래시 플레이어 등등 .. )

가져다 쓰려고 하면 고난도 기술이 필요하거나 한데,
이미 만들어 둔 사람이 있네요.


물론 ; Windows 이외에는 잘 될런지는 책임 못 집니다.
( 제가 다 살펴 본게 아니라. ㅎㅎ )


Native Swing Demo Application

An integrated web browser.

It is possible to control opening windows and navigation, execute javascript, and a special channel for messages allows to receive custom messages from custom pages.

An integrated Flash Player.

This integrated player can be controlled from the Swing application (play, pause, stop, variables)

An integrated Multimedi Player (using VLC).

This integrated player can be controlled from the Swing application (play, pause, stop)

An integrated HTML editor (using FCK Editor).

This integrated editor can be controlled from the Swing application (get/set HTML, save event notifications)

An option allows to mix heavyweight and lightweight components while respecting their Z-order.

Another option defers destruction until garbage collection or explicit disposal, to permit the removal and later re-addition of a native component to the interface.

Here is another example of a component mix, in the form of a JDesktopPane.

Note the artificial addition of a Swing button on top of a Web Browser.

File associations utility.

It is possible to query registered applications for file types, and to launch files with their associated program.


테스트 해 보시려면 아래 링크를 누르면 webstart로 실행 됩니다.
여러개의 Native Object를 Java Frame안에서 겹쳐 놓을 수도 있고, 좋은것 같네요 ^_^


Java Webstart
