South Korean officials say a typhoon has killed at least seven people and left several others missing in the southern part of the country.
Officials say heavy rain and floods killed five people on the resort island of Jeju and at least two others along South Korea's southern coast, where Typhoon Nari made landfall early today (Sunday).
The fast-moving storm also forced South Korean authorities to cancel about 300 domestic and international flights.
South Korea's Yonhap news agency says the typhoon has flooded scores of buildings and roads and cut power to thousands of homes.
Nari was forecast to move northeast across South Korea before entering waters between the Korean peninsula and Japan.
관계자가 말했다. "관계자"라고 해석하는것이 자연스럽다. 오피셜한 이야기라서 꼭 오피서라고 해석하기 보다는 그냥 자연스럽게 해석하자.
resort island of Jeju :
그냥 제주도를 설명하는 말이다. "휴양지인 제주도"정도로 해석하거나 혹은 그냥 "제주도"라고 해석해도 별로 문제가 되지 않을 것 같다.
peninsula :
( 거의 + 섬 )이라는 의미로, 반도를 나타낸다.
윽.. VOA에서 제공해 주는 한글 번역에서는 -_-;; 맨 마지막 줄을 잘라 먹었네 -_- 쩝 ;;
맨 마지막의 해석은 대충...
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